Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day28- Mouse in the House/Hickory Dickory Dock

Since Peanut is now "really in to"(her words, not mine), the little animal lunches, I decided to humour her and continue on with them while also stretching my own mind in more productive ways then reminiscing about the two weeks I have left working for and helping a company I have given 8 years to for apparently no reason, transition. :) I told the Peanut that her "job" was to come home and tell me what she learned at school that day and to thus help me come up with "lunch" ideas. Today was Nursery Rhymes: Hickory Dickory Dock...The Mouse Ran up...You get the point? If you peruse bento blogs as frequently as I do, you will note that many mommy bento "artistes" might take such a theme to the point of sculpting Grandfather clocks out of mozzarella cheeze purchased in quarter pound chunks from the local chacuterie replete with Nori hands and faces blown from egg yolk suspended with sugar or some such. I admire these woman and do not think these endeavors a waste of time. In fact, I can see myself doing such a thing with only a bit more prodding. But...For the time being....I am too darn busy!

My mouse is made of plain old lunch meat (ham), cut in circles using a juice glass and the ends of two small floral cutters (a votive candle holder bottom might work as well?) with Nori features. The ears are set on two ends of a hard boiled egg (I boil these 6-8 at a time every third week or so for breakfast, lunch making and snacks), served on top of angel hair pasta with butter and fresh dill (left over from shrimp pasta dinner from last night).Sides of  cucumber/dill "salad", jello, and grapes.

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